DNNae - LinkedIn Automation for Recruiters

DNNae - LinkedIn Automation for Recruiters

DNNae is your recruiting associate.

Total ratings for DNNae - LinkedIn Automation for Recruiters
5.00 (Rating count: 17)
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Recent reviews for DNNae - LinkedIn Automation for Recruiters
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Gaurav Chaudhary
Gaurav Chaudhary
I am using this tool from almost an year and it has proved itself a great companion when it comes to source candidates through Linked In. Even the new update, really loving it. Takes lesser time to set up and provides better results. Just one suggestion from my end, if you can include 2 features: "Exclude Keywords" and "Boolean Support", that will be really helpful. Good job by great minds!!!
Katherine Kolesova
Katherine Kolesova
The tool has definitely an amazing level potential. I find the search string that comes in to LinkedIn through DNNae not exactly matching and redo the search string in Linked in, but once that one with proper play-around with different LI filters, you really get a good pipeline you can connect too. Whatever the tool does next is just amazing and definitely helps. I'm looking forward to see interface improvements and ability to paste the job description instead of uploading a file.
2019-12-27 HR Sim it was an awesome tools but now it is not working in linkedin
2019-11-06 Liz Israel I loved being able to see the semantic scores. Linkedin Boolean results are so bad. This made a real impact in my outreach. Thank you Professor Manning