

An extension to bookmark links to hoarder.app

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4.60 (Rating count: 5)
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Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.60
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Maximilian Schäper
Maximilian Schäper
en Absolutely fantastic app, completely replaced Pocket and Wallabag for me. Really glad I found this, thank you! I have one QoL/feature request for the browser addon: Would it be possible to integrate a link to ones own hoarder page? Like, right click on the addon in the toolbar and the second selection is something like "Open your Hoarder saves" -> click it -> a new tab opens the hoarder instance. The link used should be the same the addon already knows.
Ahmad Mujahid
Ahmad Mujahid
Terje Erwing Bjelkholm
Terje Erwing Bjelkholm
en Great that there is a browser extension for Hoarder available, but it is incredibly barebones feature-wise at the moment. In particular, there does not seem to be any way of adding tags or assigning new bookmarks to a list from the browser. I would also love to be able to save individual parts of a page, such as a particular image, without bookmarking the entire page. Hopefully this gets expanded upon in the future.
Bibin Mohan
Bibin Mohan
en Finally a self hosting solution!!
Ahmed Elemam
Ahmed Elemam
en Great Extension!