Disable Download Bar

Disable Download Bar

Disables annoying the download bar at bottom of Chrome

Total ratings for Disable Download Bar
5.00 (Rating count: 3)
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Recent reviews for Disable Download Bar
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Andac Amerikada
Andac Amerikada
en Amazing.....
Yury Rozhdestvenskij
Yury Rozhdestvenskij
en Works on end of March 2024, no more stupid download bubble popping up. We'll see how will it hold up.
Anne Enke
Anne Enke
en I can't express my joy to see the Chrome downloader go away. I could ignore it at the bottom of screen, but then it went to the top of screen, easily decreasing my productivity by 10%. I'm on either a M2 or M3 Macbook, highest internet speed I can buy in VA. The minute it's available, I pay the $$. Except now I have one, and didn't utilize it, because Chrome would render the increased speed efficiency meaningless. Chrome is in a battle with Mac, wanting me to use THEIR image tools -- as if any Mac user is going to leave Apple for Google to do their graphic work on a fashion design website. Please. Yes, I've tried to leave Chrome for good for Safari, but I just don't have the time to sort out all the differences. My brain is full up. So I've literally had to sit waiting for Chrome to slaughter my download time because it waits to give me time to open the image. And I'm talking 2-5 seconds. It's down and done, but the download screen blocks out my desktop, giving me a chance to use Chrome for next steps. It's like "are you sure you don't want to use Chrome photo tools, Anne?" Yes, I can override it -- and I do -- but I have had a terrible case of tendonitis that's on the mend. And it irks me that I must use another 'finger movement' on the keyboard to get Chrome downloader tray out of my d### way. I have cursed my way through this infuriating issue with no workarounds, as we had when Chrome first tried to jam this change down the throats of Mac users. If this extension holds as it just did, send me a bill and I'll pay it. I nearly wept to have my work routine restored just now to end this Chrome download tray nightmare. Thanks so much, whoever developed this extension. I am grateful.