Custom Search Engine

Custom Search Engine

To use, type 'ms' plus keyword for custom search engines & search term into the url bar. (e.g. ms google <search text>).

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4.00 (Rating count: 9)
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Recent reviews for Custom Search Engine
Recent rating average: 3.67
All time rating average: 4.00
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Hello WEI
Hello WEI
zh 解决了我去特定网站上搜索的问题 --- 更新:用utools中的【网页快开】更快
Big Thanks, I need Yandex and google search in chrome and this extension help me a lot!
PhanI KY
PhanI KY
So, basically what it will do is if we add multiple search engines then it opens all those URLs in multiple tabs (10 engines = 10 tabs) with that search query. Not what I'm looking for. Thought it will be like 'google custom search engines' but with user-friendly customization.
en So, basically what it will do is if we add multiple search engines then it opens all those URLs in multiple tabs (10 engines = 10 tabs) with that search query. Not what I'm looking for. Thought it will be like 'google custom search engines' but with user-friendly customization.
Oleksander Dudar
Oleksander Dudar
What am I doing wrong? It just doesn’t work :(
Vjera Turk
Vjera Turk
Just what I was searching for, thank you!
Vjera Turk (BanAnanas)
Vjera Turk (BanAnanas)
en Just what I was searching for, thank you!
joseph dunn
joseph dunn
Doesn't work. This would be perfect if you would be able to import your Chrome custom search engines.
Gábor Klement
Gábor Klement
Pure awesomeness, thank you! Although I really miss Google Sync :) Oh and has somebody a solution to make this work with vivaldi?