VeloViewer Strava Plugin

Additions to Strava website to provide helpful links and features for VeloViewer.

Total ratings

4.80 (Rating count: 50)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great integration with Strava's Route Builder
  • Helpful for tracking unexplored tiles
  • Responsive customer service for bug fixes
  • Very useful for explorers and route planning
  • Seamless functionality that enhances Strava experience
  • Tends to stop working after Strava or Chrome updates
  • Issues with login and access to features
  • Bugs causing menu conflicts in Strava's routing page
  • Explorer tiles not always syncing properly between VeloViewer and Strava
  • Chronological order buttons inaccessible due to overlaying UI
Most mentioned
  • Stopped working after updates
  • Great service and quick fixes
  • Useful for tile addicts
  • Bugs affecting functionality after updates
  • Need to log in to access features
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.80
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Rating filters

5 star
81% (22)
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11% (3)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jon Goerke
en So cool! Love it. In Strava Route Builder I use both this and the Wandrer extension for chrome to indulge my OCD tendencies ;-).
Michael Weinhold
en This was an absolute game changer for tile exploring! No longer comparing maps left and right. This alone makes the VeloViewer subscription worth its moderate price. The Route Builder addon is working again! ✌🏼
Geoff Allen
en This stopped working at 1.42 when Strava made Route Builder changes, but emailed Veloviewer and a fix was deployed the same day. Great service. All working again. 5/5
Bas van Dijck
en Great tool for tiles addicts. Really easy to create a route to get net tiles. Unfortunately, the plugin doesn't work anymore after the recent Strava update. Will this be fixed?
Ad vander Aa
en Funny
Yvonne & Dennis
Jim Karthauser
en Love the plugin, but has stopped working for me today on google chrome version 116.0.5845.179 Update - now working again, thank you
Tako Bruinsma
en Love it, awesome tool for tile addicts. Except it stopped working for me today after upgrading to Chrome 116.0.5845.96. It keeps saying I have to login. Tried logging out of VV, Strava and logging back in but to no avail.
Daniel Roßbach
en usually a very helpful extension to integrate strava route planning and veloviewer tiles. unfortunately, at the moment there is a bug so the menu of strava's routing page doesn't work with the extension enabled
Tor Hovland
en What do I do if the VeloViewer Explorer tiles are up to date in VeloViewer but not in Strava? I've tried disabling caching in Chrome, but it didn't help.
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