
Setup wait period for time-wasting sites.

Total ratings

4.85 (Rating count: 27)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very effective at reducing distractions
  • Beautiful and dynamic backgrounds
  • Allows multiple sites to be added at once
  • Life-changing for productivity
  • No ads
  • Issues with images not displaying during the timer
  • Delay before it starts working or requires interaction to run down
  • Lack of customization for weekend scheduling
Most mentioned
  • Effective at reducing distractions
  • Beautiful backgrounds
  • Issues with images and timer functionality
  • Life-changing productivity tool
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.85
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Rating filters

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82% (28)
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12% (4)
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6% (2)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ovi Hentea
en I reaaaally wish I had a schedule (like stop limiting during weekend) It's very effective at what it does - more so than the many other extensions I've tried. The dynamic background imagine is a welcome breath of fresh air. I'd love it if it could add a count-up (like age) or a count-down (some future event you're preparing for)
Marcin Stożek
Great extension! I do, however, have an issue with images that are supposed to be visible during the timer. It is my first day with the extension to i'm not sure if it's just todays photo or all of them.
Marcin Stożek
en Great extension! I do, however, have an issue with images that are supposed to be visible during the timer. It is my first day with the extension to i'm not sure if it's just todays photo or all of them.
Shivam Mishra
the best extension for reducing distractions, i installed several extension with same features, but some were less customizable , and most had a fatal flaw that you can change the tab and countdown will still continue, but this just perfect. thanks developer
Shivam Mishra
en the best extension for reducing distractions, i installed several extension with same features, but some were less customizable , and most had a fatal flaw that you can change the tab and countdown will still continue, but this just perfect. thanks developer
Ozan Şenyurt
Life saver! Thank you for this extension.
Ozan Şenyurt
en Life saver! Thank you for this extension.
Epic Mango
Perfect, it reminds me of the days when my internet was worse and helps me with not getting sidetracked so unbelievably easily, amazing app!!
Epic Mango
en Perfect, it reminds me of the days when my internet was worse and helps me with not getting sidetracked so unbelievably easily, amazing app!!
Rob C
Exactly what I was looking for
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