
Klart is a bookmarking service made for designers. Capture a screenshot and a link to anything online with just a click.

Total ratings

3.71 (Rating count: 7)
See reviews for Klart on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.57
All time rating average: 3.71

Rating filters

5 star
29% (2)
4 star
14% (1)
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1 star
57% (4)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Rob Butz
en I really like Klart.io and pay for it every year - it's worth it to me as a Front-End dev. That said, I am concerned that the Extension is getting a little out of date and "may be removed from the Chrome store soon" (October 2024)
DO NOT INSTALL. It asks for credit card information before even letting you try it.
en DO NOT INSTALL. It asks for credit card information before even letting you try it.
Max Rempel
It is 29$ per year!
Max Rempel
en It is 29$ per year!
2016-05-16 Lisa Rydhammer Great extension, I use it everyday to save designs and other stuff I find online! Great that it's not just a screenshot, it also take me back to the page whenever I want!
Lisa Rydhammer
en Great extension, I use it everyday to save designs and other stuff I find online! Great that it's not just a screenshot, it also take me back to the page whenever I want!