Compare Chrome extensions: Reddit Enhancement Suite vs Spider Solitaire

Stats Reddit Enhancement Suite Reddit Enhancement Suite Spider Solitaire Spider Solitaire
User count 1,000,000+ 100,000+
Average rating 4.73 3.93
Rating count 4,240 692
Last updated 2024-05-05 2019-07-07
Size 4.34M 754.69K
Version 5.24.6 1.0.4
Short description
A suite of modules that enhance your Reddit browsing experience The Spider Solitaire you know and love. With three difficulty levels, you'll never tire of this classic.
Full summary

Reddit Enhancement Suite is a community-driven unofficial browser extension for Reddit. Please note that RES is specifically designed to work on OLD reddit. Most functionality will not work on the redesign.

To read more about Reddit Enhancement Suite, please visit

NOTE: Reddit Enhancement Suite is developed independently, and is not officially endorsed by or affiliated with Reddit.

The Spider Solitaire you know and love. With three difficulty levels, you'll never tire of this classic.

Ad free and always will be, this game is all about the gameplay! The app also includes offline mode so you can play anywhere without being on the Internet.

Latest version features undo, game hints and other enhancements as requested by you! Please leave feedback by clicking "Send Feedback".