GeoGuessr USA map widget

GeoGuessr USA map widget

If the player guesses the correct state that the location is in, it will be highlighted automatically on a secondary USA map.

Total ratings for GeoGuessr USA map widget
3.00 (Rating count: 1)
See reviews for GeoGuessr USA map widget on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for GeoGuessr USA map widget
Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Christian G
Christian G
I love the extension. The only downside is, that when i use my mouse wheel it will zoom out on the map and i can't zoom in. So it is hard to use once that happens. But, it also doesn't do it automatically fill the state, you have to do it manually. But it still is good.
Christian Gal
Christian Gal
en I love the extension. The only downside is, that when i use my mouse wheel it will zoom out on the map and i can't zoom in. So it is hard to use once that happens. But, it also doesn't do it automatically fill the state, you have to do it manually. But it still is good.