VideoMark - Take notes on YouTube, Coursera

VideoMark is a simple tool that can help you take notes on YouTube, Coursera, Udemy.

Total ratings

3.91 (Rating count: 11)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Beautiful UI design
  • Useful functionality for taking notes on videos
  • Works great overall
  • Limited free version (50 notes)
  • Text becomes invisible after formatting with H1/H2
  • Conflicts with YouTube's spacebar functionality (pausing video instead of inputting text)
  • PDF export does not support jumping to timestamps
Most mentioned
  • Issues with formatting causing notes to disappear
  • Conflict with YouTube playback functionalities
  • Limitations of the free version regarding note count
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 3.91
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Lorenzo Manuini
it L'estensione e molto bella e completa. peccato che si possono fare fino a 50 note nella versione gratuita, non capisco perchè ce da pagare per prendere dei appunti illimitati. Purtroppo a giorni d'oggi per far qualsiasi cosa devi pagare anche per le cose piu insignificanti. Questo e quanto, consiglio agli sviluppatori un po di umiltà. I miei migliori saluti.
Mario Garrote Filho
en The extension would be ver helpful if the text do not become invisible after formating clickin on H2 or H1. If the extension start to work properly I am inclined to subscribe anually
cdym t
Mattoid Franion
zh 可邊看影片邊截圖,很方便的軟體,但輸入文字功能無法使用,因為當在畫面上輸入中英文字,想按空白鍵將字確定下來或空格時,剛好和Youtube的空白快捷鍵衝突,所以按下空白鍵變成是影片的暫停/播放功能, 導致無法輸入文字有點可惜,不知是否有改善方法?
Ich Du
Should youtube changing anything, how is this handled or guaranteed, that my money goes not only in one release? i was not able to find anything about that, wondering that also not even one name, or team, community, forum, chat, even no documentation, nothing. But what i found is the small text behind 'click / buy / accept' - By proceeding, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy ... in accordance with the laws of China. - "we respecting privacy, we comply with GDPR, Terms & Policies could change at anytime, we may inform you." may? yes, it may ok for private users. as private user its may also ok that to disagree cookies on your website (GDPR???) is not possible. Someone could also ask , why is Google Cloud Sync so important? May it a good time for a "Life-time deal? Hope all the money goes into some more standards of paid apps, and maybe you agree to relocate the data-pipeline of all code/cookies/user-data in a some more, or even lesser monitored region. Did you heard about PIPL? (the GDPR equivalent for Chinese citizens) Cheers
Ich Du
en Should youtube changing anything, how is this handled or guaranteed, that my money goes not only in one release? i was not able to find anything about that, wondering that also not even one name, or team, community, forum, chat, even no documentation, nothing. But what i found is the small text behind 'click / buy / accept' - By proceeding, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy ... in accordance with the laws of China. - "we respecting privacy, we comply with GDPR, Terms & Policies could change at anytime, we may inform you." may? yes, it may ok for private users. as private user its may also ok that to disagree cookies on your website (GDPR???) is not possible. Someone could also ask , why is Google Cloud Sync so important? May it a good time for a "Life-time deal? Hope all the money goes into some more standards of paid apps, and maybe you agree to relocate the data-pipeline of all code/cookies/user-data in a some more, or even lesser monitored region. Did you heard about PIPL? (the GDPR equivalent for Chinese citizens) Cheers
Ahmed Farrag
I WANTED TO CONTACT YOU BUT YOUR WEBSITE IS DOWN! Chrome refuses to open it because it is not " a safe website". please fix! (contact me here please: [email protected]). (I wanted to ask you if Videomark works also with Udemy! or only Youtube and Coursera?! Udemy is really important, i use it all the time!). Update: thank you for the support! everything is working now and yes people! Udemy support is coming soon! which is really good!
Ahmed Farrag
en I WANTED TO CONTACT YOU BUT YOUR WEBSITE IS DOWN! Chrome refuses to open it because it is not " a safe website". please fix! (contact me here please: [email protected]). (I wanted to ask you if Videomark works also with Udemy! or only Youtube and Coursera?! Udemy is really important, i use it all the time!). Update: thank you for the support! everything is working now and yes people! Udemy support is coming soon! which is really good!
1. 在YouTube深色主題外觀下,在Youtube右側筆記區修改筆記內容的樣式為H1或H2後,筆記內容會不見。 2. 導出筆記為PDF檔案後,時間戳無法跳轉。 3. 希望單獨增加一個時間戳功能。
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