Long Press New Tab

Open links as background tabs by clicking links and holding

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4.65 (Rating count: 77)
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All time rating average: 4.65
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Thank You! This extension is a must have.
トラックパッドで操作する際などには非常に重宝しています。 ただ一つ残念なのは、ページ上の要素(Gmailのラベル名やiframe内のスクロールバー等)をドラッグした際にも反応してしまうこと。 マウスが動いた際には反応しないようにしてくれれば☆5つです。
2020-10-20 id di I love this extension. However lately it also opens the link both in new window but also in the same window...
Mickey S.
Wonderful extension, thanx to to the maker. Only suggestion... If you add an option to choose the position of the new tab. i.e. Right or left of the originating tab, or First or Last tab... And similar to Ctrl + Long Right Click opens in a new window... Up to yo... Thank you very much
g r
Love this extension. For some reason when I switched to duckduckgo as my search engine- actually installed a duckduckgo extension that does that automagically and does other stuff, I notice on the DDG pages that long press new tab left click opens in a new tab and stays in the current tab and the current tab also clicks the link. This only happens on DDG, not google or other sites I'm aware of. Also right click in DDG opens in a new tab and takes me there and does not click the link in the DDG page. So it's just a little bug. I'd be interested in why that's happening- maybe just an HTML property or something or maybe my extension, so now I just right click and otherwise it's a great extension.
5/5 extension, very convenient. I made it so that holding it for just 0.1 sec with the right mouse button opens the link in a new tab in the background (so without changing to that tab). With the left mouse button it just goes straight to that page. If I want to copy a link address, that's still possible by tapping the right mouse button.
Carl Lum
Very handy. Just wish I could reduce the click time to zero, as I prefer to assign it to the right mouse button and would like to have the tab open immediately.
2020-01-29 Zhiwei Liu very useful
Jan Bruun Andersen
It works for me with me with Google Chrome. version 75.0.3770.90 (Official Build) (64-bit). Sort of. It works for links on most sites (but not all - I assume those sites does some funny Javascripting). It does not work at all for my bookmarked links - which was what I was after. I also tried an extension called "Click to Tab". It suffered from the same problems, so maybe extensions cannot control the behavior of bookmarked links?
Frank Ellermann
Interesting, but too complex for me, I'll remove it. "New tab (foreground)" is apparently the same thing as "open in current tab", so don't try that for a left click. "New tab (background)" ended up as a new last tab, perfectly fine unless you are used to Chrome's wannabe-smarter behaviour.
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