Reeader - Minimal reader with speed reading

A simple and minimal way to read articles faster.

Total ratings

4.55 (Rating count: 55)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Smooth reading experience
  • Effective speed reading features
  • Simplicity and useful functions
  • Best reader extension compared to others
  • Speed reading mode doesn't always work
  • Need for account setup can be confusing
  • Desire for more customization options (e.g., fonts, image display)
Most mentioned
  • Simple and smooth reading
  • Best among competitors
  • Need for standalone app version
  • Desire for customization features
See reviews for Reeader - Minimal reader with speed reading on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.55
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69% (45)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Baptiste Fernandez
en Absolutely fantastic! Exactly the type of fast reading software I was looking for. Despite the many attempts from competitors to build fast reading chrome extensions, I think this one has finally cracked it. On thing I would request is to get this as a standalone app (and not an extension) so I can start using it for Notion and other apps! Edit: It would be great to have also have the alternative option where every single word is highlighted at the speed of reading you would want.
Raven Komadori
en Best smooth reading experience I had ever with this extension. Better than other reading modes
shaofan wang
en how can i read a local epub file?
Lê Văn Hùng
Pat MySecret
en Yes, pretty simple.. I like that it calls it like it is, however, I think there should always be the option to remove images. I like the simplified speed reader view.. cuts out "filler words" ..I wish that I could copy/paste like that too. I like that it works with my Auto Copy extension. Last updated February 16, 2020
Automatic line breaks.. to center align paragraphs. I want a variety of fonts.
en Automatic line breaks.. to center align paragraphs. I want a variety of fonts.
very good. it will better if user can choose whether show the pic in the article
en very good. it will better if user can choose whether show the pic in the article
Piyush Patil
simple smooth
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