

Simple & Quick Vertical Tab Extension. Search(filter) Tabs, Drag&Drop Rearrange Tabs, Tabs Counter, Keyboard Control, Vertical View

Total ratings for VerticalTabs
4.49 (Rating count: 393)
User reviews summary
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Convenient for managing lots of tabs
  • Works well for many users
  • Allows for customization of tab layout and appearance
  • Issues with height adjustment and screen fit
  • Some users experienced bugs and glitches
  • Limited functionality for specific needs (e.g. searching on URLs)
Most mentioned
  • Convenient for managing lots of tabs
  • Buggy behavior and lack of functionality in some cases
  • Works well for many users
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Recent reviews for VerticalTabs
Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.49
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Bond Sun
Bond Sun
en possible to show urls with title? Thanks for the great job!
Rahil Patel
Rahil Patel
en i've had this extension since chrome came out. it's been working for nearly 16 years!! whoever made this is wayyyyy better than google at product design and maintenance an after having just checked out similar products in 2024, nothing quite works because the side-bar extensions take up too much space
Luca Benazzi
Luca Benazzi
en It may be convenient on a small monitor. The main issue I see is that the overlay much smaller than a sidebar (about half the vertical space available). It should be possible to compute the screen height and resize the widget accordingly, to minimise vertical scroll. Thanks for your efforts
Zhou Dong
Zhou Dong
Was using this for several years. Helped a lot
Norbert Simita
Norbert Simita
Egyszerű, nincs túlbonyolítva. Azt tudja, amit kell. Színbeállítás (betű, háttér), még jó lenne.
常にたくさんのタブを開いているので、とても便利に使っています。 検索機能をよく使うのですが、2点改善してほしいです。 - 日本語で検索したい時、「変換中」と「文字列を貼り付けた時」は機能するが、「変換確定時」に入力した文字が消えてしまう。 - 「ABC」で検索したくても、「A Boy from Canada」などのように、タブ名の途中にAとBとCが順に出現していればすべて検索してしまう。これが便利な時もあるが、不便な場合がほとんど。それを避けようと試しに「"ABC"」などと引用符でくくってみると、引用符自体も検索文字の一部になるので意図したようには機能しない。
Чижик Пыжик
Чижик Пыжик
РУ: Прекрасное расширение. Сколько альтернатив не искал, они почему-то все хуже - то падают, то нагружают процессор как будто я SETI помогаю. Спасибо автору. Всего наилучшение EN: Great extension. How many alternatives I didn’t look for, for some reason they are getting worse - either they fall, or they load the processor as if I’m helping SETI. Thanks to the author. Best regards.
Joellyn Keener
Joellyn Keener
It won't work for me. It just sits up there in the toolbar and when I click on it it pops out as a wide webpage 3-4 inches long, I click again and it goes back up in the toolbar. I had it before and it worked perfectly fine so something has happened to it. I have the settings set the way I want it, but it doesn't matter what I do, it's not going to work. I hope the developer will fix this, because if not, I'm one huge disappointed user.
FirstName LastName
FirstName LastName
Works perfectly, I'm shocked it's not more popular.
A great alternative for TabMan Tabs Manager, which has disappeared from the Chrome Web Store so suddenly! It also allows to move tabs when there are to many tabs open and the tabbar can't hold that many tabs in sight. One thing I'm missing is searching on URL's themselves, but maybe it needs more access rights to do that.
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