Check My Permissions for Chrome

Scan your browser to see if you have dangerous extensions. Find out the permissions your extensions use.

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2.00 (Rating count: 7)
See reviews for Check My Permissions for Chrome on Chrome Web Store

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Recent rating average: 1.67
All time rating average: 2.00

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Matthew Healey
en same i was trying to go to a website
melanie krum
en Im trying to get to a website and was forced to do this. did not want too. Tried to get around it but couldn't. :( still cant get to the website i need to get in too. It never took me to the website i was trying o get in too. And theres no information as to who forced this or why. Should not have been forced to do this.
Charles Ebel
en Same here. This has forced me into something i do not want and it also automatically erased the URL I had painstakingly typed into Chrome, Now I have to start all over again. This is more than aggravating.
Larry Aguilar
en I was forced to download this in order use a Service I apy for! I do not want it and will unistall once I complete the task I need.
Orrin Gray (Orrinpants)
en A website forced me to download this to open it, which at that point the link apparently forgot the part of the website it was going to.
andrew mohabir
en A great product for a great price. It worked better than the other brand named product I had before. It was lighter and more flexible than other ones that worked with electric cords. I would recommend this Ryobi tool to anyone who wishes to make their job easier and faster.