WA Gear - WhatsApp Campaign and CRM

WA Gear - WhatsApp Campaign and CRM

Enhance WhatsApp Web functionality for business (marketing and sales) and experience the ease of connecting with your customers

Total ratings for WA Gear - WhatsApp Campaign and CRM
5.00 (Rating count: 7)
See reviews for WA Gear - WhatsApp Campaign and CRM on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for WA Gear - WhatsApp Campaign and CRM
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Daniel Cheng
Daniel Cheng
en Very good tool with a lot of useful functions and also a user-friendly interface.
Eri Subekti
Eri Subekti
id aplikasi keren si ini buat membantu para CS backup chat para customer. . yang jelas bakalan banyak ada fitur yang disediakan
Melodi Aris
Melodi Aris
id keren banget semua fitur nya, sekali liat langsung jatuh cinta, mempermudah mengirim promosi,bisa di jadwalkan pesan nya,dan lain sebagai nya, sangat membantu sekali,,, di tunggu update2 fitur yang lebih jozz lagi
Eep Saepuloh
Eep Saepuloh
en This software is very useful in helping create and distribute business campaigns. No need for anything else, just use this software. You can get a lot of help that will support your business.
Skalc 99 Members
Skalc 99 Members
id Finally.. tools untuk whatsapp marketing yang super lengkap, yoopp.. WAGEAR ini sangat efisien baik dalam melakukan broadcast message serta mengirim pesan ( yang berisi dokumen/gambar ) sangat simple.. SUPER KERENN.. Terry KATAR
Andika Prasetia
Andika Prasetia
en I find the campaign scheduling feature in WA Gear very helpful. With WA Gear, I can plan business messages and schedule them to broadcast to contacts or groups at the right time. This makes marketing tasks much more efficient, and I can ensure my messages reach the right audience when needed. I also really appreciate the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) feature in this WA Gear. With this, I can better track and manage interactions with my customers. I can monitor conversations, keep records, and build stronger relationships with my customers. This is a very effective way to increase engagement with my customers directly.
Spirulina Herbal
Spirulina Herbal
en This software has many useful features. With this software, creating campaigns with WhatsApp is easy, WhatsApp CRM can be done. And many other features. Hopefully this software can always adapt to WhatsApp updates. Thank you for creating this software