Quilt - Tiling Window Manager

Quilt - Tiling Window Manager

Quilt keeps your workspace tidy by automatically tiling your windows.

Total ratings for Quilt - Tiling Window Manager
5.00 (Rating count: 2)
See reviews for Quilt - Tiling Window Manager on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Quilt - Tiling Window Manager
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Chad Muller
Chad Muller
en Excellent extension that does exactly what I need it to do. Perfect drop in replacement for xmonad on ChromeOS. The only potential improvement would be to add the keyboard shortcuts from xmonad, but that is not necessary for the extension to work fantastically well. Keep up the good work, Dev! UPDATED 12/1/23: also works gloriously on MacOS. THANKS, DEV! UPDATED 12/4/23: can report that it works fluidly on Windows 10 as well. Great work, DEV! UPDATED 3/29/24: Still an absolute life and time saving extension for Chrome. Using it now in ChromeOS, and it continues to be exactly what is needed to maximize productivity and workflow. Thanks, Dev!
For the first time I leave a review in the Chrome Web Store, as the extension is really very useful and works perfectly! ❤️ Thank you, this was sorely missed. I don't like to use i3wm, yabai, etc., because I need tiling only for the browser and that's it.