PreVeil for Gmail

PreVeil for Gmail

PreVeil browser extension for Gmail

Total ratings for PreVeil for Gmail
5.00 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for PreVeil for Gmail on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for PreVeil for Gmail
Recent rating average: 3.67
All time rating average: 5.00
Rating filters
5 star
67% (2)
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33% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Seth Steinman
Seth Steinman
en Great plugin and product!
Aaron Wyant
Aaron Wyant
If you're a government contractor Preveil is one of the best software's you can use to keep your data safe and compliant with CMMC 2.0. We recommend this product and use it daily.
Tim Allen
Tim Allen
Windoze only garbage. Whats the point of encrypting email if you using Windows Windoze is so powned, I don't need the Soviets and the CCP all up in my s&*t. Need something OS agnostic (e.g. BSD, Linux, OSX) that works with my CAC, this is a a gateway drug to some unnecessary desktop garbage.