Swifty Sticky Note

Swifty Sticky Note!

Total ratings

4.70 (Rating count: 40)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly and simple interface for quick note-taking
  • No permissions required, ensuring user data privacy
  • Ability to export notes as TXT files
  • Minimalist design appreciated by users
  • Resilience to crashes with notes being retained
  • Loss of notes during updates, causing frustration
  • Limited customization options for fonts and colors
  • Some users reported it's not sticky to web pages as expected
Most mentioned
  • Data loss following updates
  • Simplicity and utility of the extension
  • Note exporting feature
  • Minimalist design appealing to users
See reviews for Swifty Sticky Note on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.70
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Alag mean Munfarid
ru Не видны на странице, а только при клике на расширение.
Frank karmakar
en new design is a total game-changer! The sleek and modern interface makes note-taking while browsing even more enjoyable. It's like a breath of fresh air for my productivity. The speed and simplicity I've come to love are still here, but now with a stylish makeover that adds a touch of elegance to my browsing experience.
Kalani Holland
en Exactly what I needed. Love the accessibility and how beneficial this is for my productivity. And the added export feature is very helpful as well. Thanks to the developers, you all are great.
Danny King
en I adore this extension for taking notes. It is now my preferred online browsing companion, when it comes to quickly taking notes and organizing thoughts, this extension is invaluable. Its fast, secure, and simple design makes note-taking a breeze, allowing me to focus on what matters most – my content.
kathm amire
en This is just keeps getting better! With the ability to customize font type, size and color, this extension has truly elevated my note-taking experience. The new feature allows me to tailor my notes to suit my preferences and style, adding a personal touch to every jotting. The extension continues to be my go-to extension for seamless note-taking while browsing.
Jing Gu
en I lost all my notes when the extension last updated and they haven't come back by 4/4/2024. I'm so upset.
Dwairy Market
en "Swifty Sticky Note has revolutionized how I browse the web! This extension is incredibly fast, making note-taking a breeze while I'm surfing. Its straightforward design ensures that I can effortlessly jot down ideas without any distractions. Swifty Sticky Note has become an essential part of my browsing routine, helping me stay organized and on track
Chuck Ripka
en Same issue with Yevhen below. All of a sudden my notes are gone. It's 4/2/2024 and still impacted. Do you have any updates on this? Thanks.
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