Bookmark Reminder

An extension that allows you to add a page as an event in Google Calendar or save as an .ics file, acting as a reminder

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4.33 (Rating count: 6)
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Tsele Maraisane
This boomark reminder is absolutely amazing. Mty productivity has definitely increased and I don't forget nuggets I stumbled upon as I am "passing by" online.
Tsele Maraisane
en This boomark reminder is absolutely amazing. Mty productivity has definitely increased and I don't forget nuggets I stumbled upon as I am "passing by" online.
Jason Darrell
I tend to bookmark sites when I'm "in the moment" of doing something else. Given that my overriding focus is on that "something else", I tend to forget most of the bookmarks I've saved. It's only when I go into Bookmarks manager and find the pages I'd set aside for another day do I remember this hidden treasure. But no longer! Bookmark reminder syncs with my calendar - any of my calendars - seamlessly. You could even create a calendar purely for catching up with your bookmarks and send your reminders to it from Chrome. Competitior research, tutorials, playlist, create your own TV schedule - endless possibilities. Top, top Extension, thank you!!
Jason Darrell
en I tend to bookmark sites when I'm "in the moment" of doing something else. Given that my overriding focus is on that "something else", I tend to forget most of the bookmarks I've saved. It's only when I go into Bookmarks manager and find the pages I'd set aside for another day do I remember this hidden treasure. But no longer! Bookmark reminder syncs with my calendar - any of my calendars - seamlessly. You could even create a calendar purely for catching up with your bookmarks and send your reminders to it from Chrome. Competitior research, tutorials, playlist, create your own TV schedule - endless possibilities. Top, top Extension, thank you!!
Sharon Gonsalves
Sharon Gonsalves
en great
Alex O'Neill
does exactly what it says on the tin - highly valuable - thank you
Alex O'Neill
en does exactly what it says on the tin - highly valuable - thank you