BYU Professor Ratings

BYU Professor Ratings

Instantly connects you to BYU professor ratings while registering!

Total ratings for BYU Professor Ratings
3.67 (Rating count: 9)
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Recent reviews for BYU Professor Ratings
Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 3.67
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Alec Moore
Alec Moore
Used to work, now out-of-date and broken.
Tanner Harrison
Tanner Harrison
Was exceptional, but I'm pretty sure that with the addition of the shopping cart feature, it throws off all of the columns by one so that it doesn't search the professors. It shows up with a "N/A".
Josh Hammond
Josh Hammond
Great but could uses some updating of links!
2018-06-03 Dan H Was so excited to find this - it would be awesome, except that it shows "N/A" in every column, for every professor, for every class, which makes it remarkably similar to not having it installed (modulo the perpetual disappointment :(
Seth White
Seth White
It needs to be updated for future semesters, it only works up until fall 2017
Emile Baumgardner
Emile Baumgardner
I normally get so frusterated trying to figure out my classes and schedule. This helped a ton!
Joy Trase
Joy Trase
Best. Thing. Ever.
Kyle Taylor
Kyle Taylor
This saved me hours of time! So handy. Seriously don't know how I registered last semester without it.