Compare Chrome extensions: Co:Writer vs PackageTrack - Package Tracker

Stats Co:Writer Co:Writer PackageTrack - Package Tracker PackageTrack - Package Tracker
User count 4,000,000+ 10,000+
Average rating 2.89 3.86
Rating count 101 42
Last updated 2024-04-30 2021-02-16
Size 38.20M 388.10K
Version 6.0.3
Short description
Word prediction that is grammar smart and inventive spelling aware. Speech recognition allows you to speak it, and we'll write it. Track all of your packages in one place, with PackageTrack.
Full summary

Co:Writer® Universal Extension for Chrome™ helps you write with proper grammar and spelling using topic-specific vocabulary. It integrates with the Chrome™ browser for word prediction and speech recognition just about anywhere you write online including Google Drive™, Microsoft Word, blogs, Learning Management Systems, testing, social networks, and email.

Try it for free and see if it works for you. Pricing and more information can be viewed at

How Does Co:Writer Work? As letters are typed, Co:Writer predicts the intended word with a selection of word suggestions using powerful grammar-smart word prediction. These suggestions can be read aloud by moving the cursor over the words. Selecting the intended word places it into the built-in writing document. For feedback while writing (and after writing) built-in text to speech can be used to read letters, words, sentences, and any selected text. If the microphone is chosen, you can speak and we'll convert your speech into text.

4+ Million Topic-Specific Dictionaries: Co:Writer has access to a main prediction dictionary (that includes core words) and Topic Dictionaries (that includes topic specific words). Co:Writer can access over 4 million topic-specific dictionaries which are activated based on the writing task.

A small sampling of the variety of topic dictionaries: ✔ America's Cup ✔ Compare and Contrast ✔ Dinosaurs ✔ Grumpy Cat

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When it comes to Package Tracking, PackageTrack for Chrome delivers an unrivaled experience.

Boasting an incredibly simple & easy to use interface, you can track packages, parcels and shipments from some of the most popular shipping carriers available.

Never miss a package and always know where your delivery is at. PackageTrack intelligently talks to all your favorite shipping carriers & shipment providers, pinpointing exactly where your package is. Then seemingly effortlessly, returns the result to you, to give you that enhanced package tracking experience.

PackageTrack, the all in one package tracker, embodies a rich & beautiful package tracking experience no matter what carrier you use.

We’ve even added the option to right click anywhere in your browser to add a package to PackageTrack.

PackageTrack comes from people who share that excitement & thrill when receiving packages. We wanted to make that experience of knowing exactly where your package is profoundly better. We absolutely love Package Tracking.

PackageTrack Feature List: - Connects to 20+ Different Package Carriers - Packages & Parcels Auto Update Several times a day

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