DisneyUX+ spacebar fix

Improves Dinsey+ spacebar to only toggle between play and pause for video. It also removes blue video outline.

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5.00 (Rating count: 4)
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Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ignis Olympi
pl Super wtyczka! Działa też na przeglądarce Brave
en Works on Chrome Windows as of march 2024
Tina Danielsson
en Thank you so much! Why would the D+ devs ever think this was user friendly? 🤦‍♀️
Marta Miętus
Finally! Every time I was playing something on Disney+, the joy of watching was disrupted by space key functionality, which is repeating the last action, so every time I had to pause the video, it randomly jumped 10 sec backwards/closed full screen mode or changed my volume settings. Now I can just press space key without being annoyed and smoothly play/pause the video. It's a real game changer, thanks!!
Marta Miętus
en Finally! Every time I was playing something on Disney+, the joy of watching was disrupted by space key functionality, which is repeating the last action, so every time I had to pause the video, it randomly jumped 10 sec backwards/closed full screen mode or changed my volume settings. Now I can just press space key without being annoyed and smoothly play/pause the video. It's a real game changer, thanks!!