Tailwind Color Picker

Tailwind Color Picker

Tailwind Color Picker allows you to pick a pixel from any web page and return the closest tailwind color.

Total ratings for Tailwind Color Picker
4.00 (Rating count: 4)
See reviews for Tailwind Color Picker on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Tailwind Color Picker
Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.00
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Tamás D. Náhóczki
Tamás D. Náhóczki
en idk. sees neutral-900 in the darker black area, and zinc-900 in the lighter area. when you put the 2 colors next to eachother, they're almost completely identical - almost completely. if you look at the img, u can see there's a BIG difference between the 2. https://cdn.dribbble.com/userupload/2790137/file/original-c2cf5b22730d8a157ca5dc49af77987b.png
Bee - Sharing (Mapa)
Bee - Sharing (Mapa)
en Please, do the same but with hex colors. Really love it!
Aakash Rao
Aakash Rao
This is an amazing tool dude! Thanks for creating this 💜
Achraf Ait Sidi Hammou
Achraf Ait Sidi Hammou
en Works like a charm 🤌