Referer Control

Control the HTTP Referer on a per-site basis.

Total ratings

4.12 (Rating count: 258)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works well for changing HTTP referrer
  • Good functionality in Chrome
  • Has a user-friendly interface
  • Does not work with certain features like video tags and JavaScript document.referrer
  • Incompatibility with Opera and Vivaldi
  • The default action may block referrers on unconfigured pages, causing usability issues
Most mentioned
  • Does not work as expected for certain use cases
  • Needs updates for compatibility with newer Chrome manifest v3
  • Lack of instructions or guidance for users
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 4.12
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en I've tried to implement this but failed. In V3 API declarativeNetRequest we aren't allowed to modify referer info like this extension does before. Long live `Referer Control` and welcome to an internet with less privacy. I feel really sad.
Rudie Dirkx
en Works well. Please update for newer Chrome manifest v3. I don't want to find another extension that does the same but not as well. Maybe open source it?
curry choi
zh 有没有替代品。现在谷歌开始禁用v2了
Eduard Mrazek
ruSSian spyware geolocation, measurement etc. to ""
Aero Windwalker
It does not work if I were to load the target url in a video tag. It works for fetch and xhr.
Aero Windwalker
en It does not work if I were to load the target url in a video tag. It works for fetch and xhr.
Owain Baber
The < default action > blocks referrers on pages you haven't configured which renders some completely unusable. It's impossible to login to Synology Photos web app with this extension active and sites like the Nextdoor app are completely broken with this active.
Owain Baber
en The < default action > blocks referrers on pages you haven't configured which renders some completely unusable. It's impossible to login to Synology Photos web app with this extension active and sites like the Nextdoor app are completely broken with this active.
Benedikt Buchert
Does not work for Javascript document.referrer changes. No intent from the developer to fix. So useless for me.
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