

Get an inspiring photo every time you open a new Chrome tab. Install, sit back and enjoy the magic.

Total ratings for Inspiration.Photos
5.00 (Rating count: 9)
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Recent reviews for Inspiration.Photos
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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2016-01-22 Efrat Kadury what a great add-on to chrome experience
Liron Reuveni
Liron Reuveni
It's so lovely to open a new chrome tab and seeing a beautiful picture instead of an empty white page (especially if you have a big screen) I find myself opening a chrome tab just to watch a new photo… I wish I could see there my own photos.
Alon Kadury
Alon Kadury
For me it's like taking a little break every time I open a new tab. I like the fact that I get a different photo on every new tab, plus the app is light weighted and fast which makes the experience perfect for me.
Ilan Bar-Magen
Ilan Bar-Magen
It's like opening a window to a different view every time. After two weeks of having those photos splashing at me every time I open a new tab, the previous regular default tab feels empty, like staring at the wall as oppose to looking outside of a window. It feels right to get a small refreshing inspiring feeling from a visual in a blink of an eye before I proceed to my destination site. It feels right, as oppose to all those heavy text oriented ones that take over the default tab - those felt to me like a big chaotic attention-seeking clutter that is just side-tracking me from the reason I opened the new tab. The photos themselves are really good, you can feel that there was a lot of thought in choosing and filtering only the right ones. I'm keeping this one for sure.
Ronbal Burash
Ronbal Burash
Wow! This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks guys!
judaistyka uj
judaistyka uj
Polecam! Swietnie działa! A do tego te zdjęcia ;)
Omri Shacham
Omri Shacham
Beautiful images. Love it!