LiveVox helper

LiveVox helper

useful addon to calling through LiveVox

Total ratings for LiveVox helper
5.00 (Rating count: 2)
See reviews for LiveVox helper on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for LiveVox helper
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Eric I.
Eric I.
the response dropdown being opened speeds things up. thank you!
R LoMo
R LoMo
this is an excellt extension to add to Chrome. It opens the response drop down box as soon as a call is pushed to you. It really speeds up logging a call and gets you to the next call much easier then before.
Rob LoMonaco (LoMo)
Rob LoMonaco (LoMo)
en this is an excellt extension to add to Chrome. It opens the response drop down box as soon as a call is pushed to you. It really speeds up logging a call and gets you to the next call much easier then before.