Custom Video Speed for YouTube™

change the current & default speed of YouTube™ videos by steps of 0.1 from 0.1 up to 8.0 using sliders, buttons, and/or the keyboard

Total ratings

4.23 (Rating count: 26)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Increases video playback speed beyond 2x
  • Works seamlessly with the default YouTube player
  • Simple and effective controls
  • Helpful for various tasks like transcribing songs
  • Consistent updates and developer responsiveness
  • Custom increments in speed adjustment are limited
  • Shortcut keys for speed adjustments do not override YouTube's default keys
  • Requires manual click to set speeds; lacks fullscreen functionality
  • Some users experienced the extension not working initially
Most mentioned
  • Ability to set custom playback speeds
  • Desire for more speed increment options
  • Inability to set speeds using keyboard shortcuts
  • Need for integration of functionality into fullscreen mode
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.23
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Neo van Leeuwen
en Wanted to view 6 hour footage faster on youtube, got bored at 2x, installed this and sit it to 3x, works as i would have expected so far!
en This is what I've been looking for forever. It also lets us choose much higher speeds than 2x, which is the main reason I wanted this. It still uses the default YouTube player and only replaces the playback speed control (which is great, other extensions that let you adjust speed better also usually replace the player with a worse one). Only things I would suggest to change are: - let us use custom increments for speed adjustment (I would personally prefer steps of 0.5x, but i think it'd be nice to give users choice) - Give a shortcut to adjust to the next higher or lower preset speed, sorta how youtube's own < and > keys operate but on our custom presets instead. - it would be cool if we could open this menu from a custom button in the player or from a keyboard shortcut, instead of having to exit fullscreen and click the extension button. (Ideally the button in the player. Other open-source extensions like sponsorblock can introduce their own buttons, and this would let use use the full functionality in fullscreen on a device using touch controls only and no keyboard.)
en I tried 4 different extensions and all of them didn't work, but this one did! It's perfect!
Alex Xc
en Perfect. All that I need.
Женя Афанасьев
Ran Ro
en Request new feature: 1- set desired speed e.g. x3 2- select starting speed e.g. x1.5 3- % of video passed until desired speed is reach e.g. 60% The video begins at x1.5 and increases gradually as a function of time based on the duration of the video until it reaches 60% therein it will reaches x3 speed. For example at 60% of elapsed video duration it will be playbackRate = x1.5 + (x3 - x1.5) * (currentTime / duration) / 0.6 This formula means that the playback rate will start at x1.5 and increase linearly as a function of the current time divided by the duration of the video until it reaches 60% of the duration, where it will reach x3.
Akicita A.
en Does exactly what it says, worked perfectly form the instant I installed it, the controls are simple, and the developer is consistent with updates and responses to feedback. This is the one I've been looking for, and I replaced "YouTube Default Speed" with this one for those reasons.
Nacho dequeso
es Lo uso para transcribir canciones y me funciona excelente.
en i like it perfectly works this can be added 16x too
Colton Stone
en Allows me to watch far more YouTube videos daily than before. Definitely recommend.
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