Pin tabs - Tab Manager

Pin tabs - Tab Manager

Pin Tabs allows the user to pin one or more tabs for short periods, keep track of the expired tabs in the history and save energy

Total ratings for Pin tabs - Tab Manager
4.69 (Rating count: 13)
See reviews for Pin tabs - Tab Manager on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Pin tabs - Tab Manager
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 4.69
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Andrea Ceccarelli
Andrea Ceccarelli
Semplicissima e molto utile: toglie dalla barra tutti i tab che non vuoi vedere subito.. Utile per liberare spazio e non riempire l'elenco dei preferiti
Charles Boyce
Charles Boyce
So simple, so useful.
Lindsey R
Lindsey R
Super handy to prioritize my insane amount of tabs open.
Nikita Kudryavtsev
Nikita Kudryavtsev
awesome, would be good to have a notification before bookmark expires
Chad Hamre
Chad Hamre
Excellent for keeping track of the needles in the haystack that are my browser tabs.
2017-11-15 Marky Mark Thank you so much, me love u long time.
Javier Moran
Javier Moran
Great extension! Looking for something like this for a long time!
2017-11-15 Daniele Francesco Frisani This is the kind of extension you need if you work with many open tabs. Simple and intuitive, strongly recommended!
Rosanna Lepera
Rosanna Lepera
It helps me a lot when I work and I have many tabs open. The shortcut makes really easy to pin tabs and the button at the bottom of the page is cool. Recommended!
2017-11-14 Roberto Lucisano Very useful if you need to pin and keep track of tabs for short periods. I totally recommend it!