Brown squirrel

The interface is an image of a brown squirrel with a long tail and thick fur, white belly wandering on a trail looking for food

Brown squirrel

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Extension stats

Users: 21
Rating: 4.00
Version: 1.0 (Last updated: 2024-04-08)
Creation date: 2024-04-02
Risk impact: Very low risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 3
Size: 1.27M

Other platforms

Brown Skin Brunchin (v0.0.3)
3.29 (53) 9,739+
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

The interface is an image of a brown squirrel with a long tail and thick fur, white belly wandering on a trail looking for food

User reviews

by Nam, 2024-09-29
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

Brown squirrel does not require any sensitive permissions.

Risk likelihood

Brown squirrel is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this extension.

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Promo images

Brown squirrel small promo image
Small promo image

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