ProdYouTivity - YouTube Enhancer & Shorts Remover

ProdYouTivity - YouTube Enhancer & Shorts Remover

The best YouTube productivity tool ✨. Improve videos and remove shorts and unnecessary distractions to focus on the essentials.

Total ratings for ProdYouTivity - YouTube Enhancer & Shorts Remover
5.00 (Rating count: 4)
See reviews for ProdYouTivity - YouTube Enhancer & Shorts Remover on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for ProdYouTivity - YouTube Enhancer & Shorts Remover
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en Great extension! I was looking for something that would prevent me from seeing all these distractions on YouTube (shorts, endwall videos, etc.), and it totally fits my needs. I also really like the integrated buttons for brightness and video fast-forward and rewind on YouTube. Finally, the popup is well designed; I like it! Thanks for the great job and all the updates you are doing.
Linus Lee
Linus Lee
en really good
Marie Thieblin
Marie Thieblin
fr Il me fallait une extension pour supprimer les shorts sur YouTube, qui me font perdre un temps considérable... Cette extension fait extrêmement bien son travail et propose un grand nombre de fonctionnalités en plus, quel bonheur ! Le ProdYouTive bouton est très pratique puisqu'il est directement intégré à YouTube et est facilement paramétrable. Un grand merci.
en Just've installed ProdYouTive and I can't recommend this Chrome extension enough! It's transformed my YouTube experience by removing distractions like YouTube shorts, related videos, and comments. With just one click on the "ProdYouTive Button", I switch to a distraction-free mode. I love how I can customize my YouTube environment and the distraction counter keeps me motivated. Certainly one of the best chrome extension to remove any distractions and be productive on YouTube, Thank you!