Compare Chrome extensions: OkayFreedom vs Prodigy Hacking Extension (PHEx)

Stats OkayFreedom OkayFreedom Prodigy Hacking Extension (PHEx) Prodigy Hacking Extension (PHEx)
User count 20,000+ 100,000+
Average rating 3.32 3.67
Rating count 59 438
Last updated 2018-12-04 2022-01-25
Size 559.10K 37.06K
Version 1.6.0 2.1.8
Short description
Browse freely and securely. It’s okay! PHEx is an extension made to raise awareness of security issues for Prodigy
Full summary

Unblock videos! Do you also get annoyed every time you can‘t watch a video because it’s supposedly „not available in your country?“ That’s over now thanks to OkayFreedom VPN. If you have the OkayFreedom VPN Windows application installed, this extension recognizes whether content like videos or even entire websites are blocked in your country, and automatically routes you through a different locale where it’s accessible. Boom, your video plays.

Get great deals! Saving money when shopping online without doing any extra searching? Yes, that’s possible. When you check out the product you’re looking for in one shop, we notify you about a better price in another shop!

The goal of the Prodigy Hacking Organization is to raise awareness of the game security issues that SMARTeacher has blatantly ignored. This is a Chrome extension that allows users of SMARTeacher products (currently: Prodigy) to explore security issues within the game without exposing any functionality that could be damaging to another user's expierence.

For more information, see

We do NOT collect any information on you or anything else. We do not see profits from you or anyone else.

Our code is 100% open source, and you can view our code and other projects at

Prodigy Hacking is in no way associated with Prodigy Math Game or SMARTeacher.