Glossary for Confluence Cloud

Highlight technical terms in your Confluence documentation.

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2.67 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for Glossary for Confluence Cloud on Chrome Web Store

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Recent rating average: 2.67
All time rating average: 2.67

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Julien Verplanken
en The idea that you need a browser extension instead of just having a built-in hover functionality in the confluence website is mind-boggling to me. Especially since you would want everybody using your enterprise confluence space to have access to the same data, without any additional installation steps / add-ons. Similarly the absence of a "create glossary entry" context menu item within confluence (for instance, when highlighting a term) could help with easily creating glossary items which link correctly. They do however include the "define" option, so they can push their AI generative service. Their glossary currently poorly integrates with confluence pages. I used to make separate page trees with glossary (in which you can actually use meaningful hierarchical constructs to define terms) and think I will revert to that.
Chris Tsikrikos
en This works great right out of the box. Integrates well with Confluence Cloud
Alexander Luchkov
en Just doesn't work out of the box for confluence cloud. Chrome asks to install extension again and again without highlighting defined terms