Remove W3Schools

Remove W3Schools

Remove W3Schools results in google searches

Total ratings for Remove W3Schools
4.87 (Rating count: 31)
User reviews summary
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Effectively blocks W3Schools from search results
  • Easy to use on supported operating systems
  • Improves the search result quality by allowing access to more relevant and accurate sources
  • Does not seem to work on Mac
  • Some users experienced it not working after a period of use
Most mentioned
  • Blocks W3Schools from search results
  • Makes finding better quality resources like MDN and StackOverflow easier
  • Some users faced issues with functionality on different platforms
  • Potential for software improvement and open-source contribution
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Recent reviews for Remove W3Schools
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 4.87
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Dave Muller
Dave Muller
en You search for anything: w3schools. No idea why when their articles are so bad. Now I no longer need to see them or go out of my way to exclude them from search.
Maruf Ağırman
Maruf Ağırman
I loved it—although I didn't use it. It's cure for haters of...
Jan Pilch
Jan Pilch
I love this extension like you wouldn't believe :)
Dev LePeer
Dev LePeer
Give this man the Nobel Peace prize. He has single handedly saved the universe from the scourge of W3Schools (which btw has nothing to do with W3C (which itself does nothing. we all know that al gore created the internet with his bare hands))
David Gourevitch
David Gourevitch
Works perfect. W3 Schools is terrible.
2021-03-31 clodpated So good
Mohammed J. Hossain
Mohammed J. Hossain
Thank you so much! I remember way back I used w3schools to learn my first bits of web development (probably the reason why my skills never developed well at that time) but now there are far better resources and w3schools kind of disrupts that.
Artur Klesun
Artur Klesun
Used it for few years, worked good on Windows and Linux so far. Not sure if I did something wrong, though, but it does not seem to work on Mac... I see this trash in search results again on the apple...
Kevin Bost
Kevin Bost
Finally re-added an extension to hide w3 schools after the last extension I used stopped working. Does exactly what it is supposed to do.
Shukri Adams
Shukri Adams
Makes it even faster to get to those Stack overflow answers.
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