Cleanstart - New Tab Page & Bookmark Manager

Cleanstart is a simple new tab page & bookmark manager featuring beautiful wallpapers, intelligent search, and a weather widget

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4.69 (Rating count: 16)
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Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.69
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en awesome extension, not sure why "This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions." plz dont remove! beautiful start/home page
Kiwhan Chung
en Howdy! I love it. It's a great extension. In Windows 11, the weather widget doesn't work. It seems it can not find a city. I'd appreciate if you can take a look. Thank you!
Shaun Lambert
en doesn't seem to work anymore. last updated Jan 2021, so that probably explains it. sad, as it looks amazing from the intro on startup :( ps my Chrome is 'Version 93.0.4577.82 (Official Build) (64-bit)'
lavanya talekar
en really reallly helpful EPIC EXTENSION I LOVE IT A LOT
en REALLY good! But, theres a problem with me, but im keeping 5 stars! I dont see weather.
en It's simply amazing. Default tabs were driving me crazy and this is just what I needed. It would be awesome if we could configure how frecuently wallpapers change. I put the NASA's image of the day and it change every 10 seconds or so; would be great if I could make it change just once per day or every few hours.
Pilot Man
Meta KI Qinetics
en I love this extension. This is exactly what a search engine should be like. Perhaps if we are able to put a secondary private search bar that would be great. Thank you I will be telling people about this extension. Cheers
2017-02-19 A Google user Quel soulagement ! Bravo et merci. What a relief ! Thank You !
A Google user
fr Quel soulagement ! Bravo et merci. What a relief ! Thank You !
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