Google Calendar

Google Calendar

Quick overview of your Google Calendar with one-click access to locations & documents

Total ratings for Google Calendar
3.94 (Rating count: 5,193)
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Recent reviews for Google Calendar
Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 3.94
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24% (47)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
John Wu
John Wu
Thank your for the time and efforts you put into this extension. Real sad to see this going away. Thanks again
Elisa Silva
Elisa Silva
no puedo cambiar la cuenta de google:/
2021-03-03 Paulo Jorge Costa Santos Cabral É um ótmo api, pena que o projeto foi descontinuado!
Natani Flutesong
Natani Flutesong
Не синхронизирует с телефоном. Телефон подгружает данные, а плагин нет.
Dr. Mohit
Dr. Mohit
Useless. Not worked in Vivaldi browser. Stuck on "authorize google calendar"
Quinton Coleman
Quinton Coleman
Just wanna say thanks for the decade of public service, I've loved this tool!
Rama Skaik
Rama Skaik
I use it for checking the upcoming plans and appointments, or even add ones. It works perfectly for me :)
Mandi Rian
Mandi Rian
I like it a lot. An easy way to be reminded if I have something coming up and should check my calendar. The yellow that appears at the one hour mark is too light though and hard to read.
You're best programmer.
2021-02-08 Catherine Sheen Absolutely love this calander and made my life much easier, particularly as someone who would regularly forget about meetings and conferences. WIll be absolutely gutted to see it go, but thank you to the developer to maintaining it for so long.
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