Bitglass Google Docs Offline

Bitglass Google Docs Offline

Edit, create, and view your documents, spreadsheets, and presentations — all without internet access.

Total ratings for Bitglass Google Docs Offline
3.00 (Rating count: 2)
See reviews for Bitglass Google Docs Offline on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Bitglass Google Docs Offline
Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 3.00
Rating filters
5 star
67% (2)
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33% (1)
1 star
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Santiago Montalbán
Santiago Montalbán
Funciona de maravilla... Si no les funciona, les recomiendo que entren a la página principal de docs, busquen el archivo que quieran ver sin internet, y le den a los tres puntitos. Luego seleccionan la opción "habilitar sin conexión". Les funcionará. Yo lo hice y me sirvió incluso con el modo avión
Isaac theIsaac
Isaac theIsaac
I haven't tried it because I dont wanna be hacked but looks very not legit as their are only 1 review and it looks like another launguage or gibberish but at the end there is english
Giatman S. Pd
Giatman S. Pd
Biar belum mencoba yang pasti bintang 5 ngak salah karena Google chrome is the best