ChatGPT Diagrams

ChatGPT Diagrams

Render diagrams directly in ChatGPT

Total ratings for ChatGPT Diagrams
2.80 (Rating count: 5)
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Recent rating average: 2.25
All time rating average: 2.80
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Alexis Boris
Alexis Boris
en It's a good idea, and I want it to work but it doesn't. I tryed 2 differents diagram generated by ChatGPT and both doesn't work 1) sequenceDiagram not working well 2) graph LR with Syntax error Both diagram worked on Perhaps an old version of mermaid lib need to be updated ? Here are the two codes generated by ChatGPT : 1) sequenceDiagram participant U as Utilisateur participant B as Navigateur participant S as Serveur U->>B: Entrer URL B->>S: Envoie requête HTTP S->>B: Répond avec données B->>U: Affiche la page 2) graph LR U[Utilisateur] -->|Entrer URL| B[Navigateur] B -->|Envoie requête HTTP| S[Serveur] S -->|Répond avec données| B B -->|Affiche la page| U
Google Local Guide Pro
Google Local Guide Pro
en Sadly not working anymore
Sebastien Boelpaep
Sebastien Boelpaep
Works just fine. Sometimes chatgpt write extended mermaid code, which is beeing perceived as syntax errors. But you can correct chatgpt by telling it to write valid mermaid code, then it will revert to simple mermaid code. Maybe in the future the developer will also support advanced syntax. Using chatgpt developing has become much easier.
Gateway Health Institute (GHI)
Gateway Health Institute (GHI)
I just get an error with every diagram attempt: Syntax error in text mermaid version 10.1.0 With both mermaid and drawio xml I get the same error. Sadly, rating it zero