- Generate & Track Reddit Comments - Generate & Track Reddit Comments

Generate personalized and human-like comments for Reddit posts in one-click - Boost your traffic and productivity with RedCom.

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5.00 (Rating count: 10)
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All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
John Latta
John Latta
en The best engagement and traffic generated tool I’ve used for Reddit so far. It helps with my overall productivity and time
Sky Walker
Sky Walker
en Love using it for my eCom store and have had amazing results so far in terms of the traffic generated. Would recommend adding a feature where we can also search for the relevant threads related to our site or products
Afred Marketer
Afred Marketer
en It would be great if you could also support other languages. Right now it's only in English or maybe I’ve missed the feature somewhere
en I highly recommend the tool for anyone that is looking to generate traffic and leads for their site. A little feedback: I would also like to see a feature inside the dashboard where I can add my keyword and it shows me all the relevant threads and sorted by the traffic they’re receiving from Google. That would be a game changer for me!
Xperience Team
Xperience Team
en Perfect tool for getting traffic for my side projects 💪 Never thought you could promote on Reddit lol
Devid Luis
Devid Luis
en I use Redcom for tracking all the comments I’ve made on Reddit from multiple accounts. Can see the number of upvotes, comment status, date and sooo many more data points! Would def recommend the tool.
Ola Qudus
Ola Qudus
en Initially I was skeptical about using the extension for my content site, since I thought the comments might sound too robotic or irrelevant. However it exceeded my expectations and the comments generated are great and fit well into the conversations. They're thoughtful and well-crafted and contribute to the discussions rather than detracting from them.
Alice Rice
Alice Rice
en Been using it to increase the karma of my Reddit account and it works really great! Saves a lot of time as I don’t have to constantly think on what to comment
Lekson Studio
Lekson Studio
en It is an amazing tool for promoting affiliate offers and generating traffic for these products from Reddit threads. I’ve scaled my affiliate strategy using the tool by generating and commenting super personalized comments which was taking a lot of my time. Highly recommended!!
Hira Ayesha
Hira Ayesha
en I've been using the tool to boost visibility for my SaaS side project on Reddit. Before this, I was manually commenting on relevant subreddits which was very time consuming. With RedCom, I can generate relevant, engaging comments with just one click. I’ve had an increased traffic and interest in my project. It is also super helpful to track all my comments in one place. For anyone in SaaS looking to leverage traffic from Reddit, I’d highly recommend RedCom.