Random Tab Switch

Random Tab Switch

Random Tab Switch

Total ratings for Random Tab Switch
4.67 (Rating count: 6)
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Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.67
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Paul Edward
Paul Edward
It seems some concession needs to be made with any/all of the extensions of this kind, i.e., those that open a random tab from the tabs you currently have open. Like others have said, if the fact that it closed the current tab prior to opening the random tab weren't the default action, this would be a 5 star extension and the best of the bunch but as far as concessions go, this is easier for me to deal with than a painfully long execution time, as is the case with another extension of this kind. If it's still maintained and could be updated to change the default action/make it optional - well, that would be pretty cool/ Either way, strong showing. Thanks dev!
Steven Jonas
Steven Jonas
Solid extension. It would be nice if the "close the current tab and go to a random tab" was an easily accessed option, rather than an always-on one. If I could shift-click the random tab icon and it would close the current tab, that would be ideal. Or if I could right-click the icon in the browser bar and select "close the current tab and go to a random tab".
sounds oddant
sounds oddant
Could you update the extension and make it work over multiple windows ? This only works for the tabs in the current active windows.
2019-03-09 Madolcheplayer a Was looking for an extension like this, Works perfectly as intended. 2 things would be cool: if close the current tab wasn't the default option(since most people probably would want to keep their tabs), and if you could have the option of switching to a random tab in any window, not just the current one.