Check Trustpilot

Check Trustpilot

Check the reliability of a website on Trustpilot! Verifica l'affidabilità di un sito su Trustpilot!

Total ratings for Check Trustpilot
4.33 (Rating count: 6)
See reviews for Check Trustpilot on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Check Trustpilot
Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.33
Rating filters
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75% (3)
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25% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Federico SP
Federico SP
It just a shortcut to TrustPilot with even an additional and totally unnecesary step to chose if you want a popup or a tab that you have to chose every time as it doesn't save options. Put some effort man before asking for donations.
2021-06-05 olivia colpani really useful, I recommend it to everyone
Roberto Pirotta
Roberto Pirotta
Molto utile e immediata da usare. Grazie per lo sforzo!
Veila Ardrizzo
Veila Ardrizzo
Mi piace, molto comoda! Finalmente un'estensione utile. Si risparmia molto tempo per vedere le recensioni di un sito senza bisogno di andare su google a cercarle!