DropResponder for Gmail

DropResponder for Gmail

A powerful CRM and automation suite for Gmail users. *Track your leads, prospects, sales, etc inside Gmail! *Sort, search,…

Total ratings for DropResponder for Gmail
4.58 (Rating count: 19)
User reviews summary
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Increases productivity and efficiency
  • Excellent customer service and responsiveness
  • Helpful for automating email processes
  • Chrome extension disappearing from Gmail
  • Difficulties understanding because it is only in English
  • Initial hesitations about privacy and security issues
Most mentioned
  • Automation and scheduling of email sequences
  • Use for outreach campaigns and interviews
  • Saves time in sending responses and managing threads
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Recent reviews for DropResponder for Gmail
Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.58
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Roberto Popolizio
Roberto Popolizio
It would be a great tool if it worked, and if the support actually bothered to answer my emails. I speint hours entering all the data from my previous emails, and now the tool has disappeared from my Gmail, so all the work I have done is lost. Thanks for wasting me time and money.
Thierry Laval
Thierry Laval
Présenté comme un rajout a Gmail, il sagit juste d'un plugin pour le navigateur de Google. Donc obligé pour le moment d'utiliser Chrome... Encore une fois Plugin en anglais et donc inutilisable pour une entreprise française. Ok Je comprend que ce soit fait pour le monde Anglophone mais inutile de le proposer sur le marché français en l'état. C'est bien dommage. Je teste et j'éfface. A plus tard pour une version francisée. merci dans tous les cas pour le travail et effort réalisé.
Albert Pillan Senah
Albert Pillan Senah
Best software to save time , Amazing work to the team behind the curtains
Your Brain On Facts
Your Brain On Facts
Saves me from myself. No more copy-paste errors in my mass mailings (e.g. using the last person's name when addressing the new person), or having to read through threads to figure out the status of the situation. Schedulable emails have made a demonstrable impact, too. The team behind it is responsive with support and open to suggestions.
Andrew Kamphey
Andrew Kamphey
I've been enjoying the heck out of using Pigeon. It's truly all the stuff I need in a CRM. Just sit in gmail, where I work all the time already. And do the things I need it to do when I need it to do them. Let me tell you about one feature. A) that I asked for and B) Pat put in. For a couple years the only email program that had this feature was Mailshake. What it was was that you could send a list of 100 or 200 or whatever amount of emails.. but separate them by a certain amount of time each. So you didn't have to batch them, even though your work was batched. This feature alone is worth dozens of dollars a month. Why? Because I can send truly targeted emails and not have to deal with the logistics of replying to 100 or 200 or more a day. I can interact with people across a week instead of picking a single day. And spam. oh man, there's so many deliverability issues with sending even 20 or 30 emails within 5 minutes. So Instead I send 1 email an hour. That's 24 a day. I can get through 100 or more in a week. And then space out the replies and follow ups. It's magical. I do a bunch of work up front, then pigeon goes and does more for me than I ever can do.
Fabrizio Rinaldi
Fabrizio Rinaldi
Absolutely essential if you want to boost your productivity inside Gmail, get replies and close deals, if that's what you need. I've been doing outreach successfully with it for months, and Pat is working hard to add more features and improve it constantly.
2020-04-09 Robin Vander Heyden I love Pigeon as it is super simple to use and you can contact founder directly :) I've known Pat through Starter Story and run a similar blog and I have been using Pigeon daily to follow up emails. Highly recommended :)
Violeta Semenova
Violeta Semenova
I am using Pigeon to get interviews for my site. Before I started using Pigeon all the communication with my interviewees was done manually and I couldn’t keep up with my workload. Now everything is automated. I schedule email sequences and forget about them. Pigeon has saved me a huge amount of time. And Pat is brilliant. If you need any help, he is there for you in a matter of minutes.
Very helpful
Nolan Wazni
Nolan Wazni
en Very helpful
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