What is New Relic UX Enhancer?
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Extension summary
Most New Relic dashboards may have certain junk text (in chart legends, table rows etc.) which is unimportant and truncates actual information from your view. This extension finds and removes such phrases which the user deems unimportant.
You can remove as many phrases as you want by specifying them in the Options page of this extension.
- By default, WebTransaction/SpringController/ is one of the phrases to be removed.
- Mention each phrase/keyword in a new line. No need to add commas to separate them
- All phrases are case-sensitive
This project is open-source. Please feel free to take a look at the code and contribute to help make it better! https://github.com/aravindparappil46/new-relic-ux-enhancer
NOTE: It takes 2 seconds to kick in when you're on a New Relic Dashboard page!
Extension safety
Risk impact
New Relic UX Enhancer requires a few sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
New Relic UX Enhancer has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.
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