Easy App Reports Plugin

This extension allows you to import App Store metrics from the Analytics reports so you can visualize it on Google Looker Studio™

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5.00 (Rating count: 3)
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Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Lucas Alves
I think this is one of the best connectors I've seen. I can finally see all my data well organized in Data Studio, build easy reports, and get actionable insights. I also have to highlight the top-notch customer support they offer.
Lucas Alves
en I think this is one of the best connectors I've seen. I can finally see all my data well organized in Data Studio, build easy reports, and get actionable insights. I also have to highlight the top-notch customer support they offer.
Verônica Tarsitano
Essa extensão está salvando a minha vida. Agora consigo ver todas minhas métricas de ASO no data studio, o que é uma super mão na roda. Estou buscando há meses por um conector que faça isso, e agora encontrei. Obrigada!!!!!!
Verônica Tarsitano
pt Essa extensão está salvando a minha vida. Agora consigo ver todas minhas métricas de ASO no data studio, o que é uma super mão na roda. Estou buscando há meses por um conector que faça isso, e agora encontrei. Obrigada!!!!!!
Rômulo Gomes
I'm super happy to see that our extension is finally here. I hope you have a great time with it, just like we are having - we built it for ourselves after all. I'm Rômulo, one of the founders, and if you have any questions about it just send us a message on our website. I'll be happy go lend you a hand. Now let's build some reports, shall we?!
Rômulo Gomes
en I'm super happy to see that our extension is finally here. I hope you have a great time with it, just like we are having - we built it for ourselves after all. I'm Rômulo, one of the founders, and if you have any questions about it just send us a message on our website. I'll be happy go lend you a hand. Now let's build some reports, shall we?!