Instoo Automation

Instoo Automation

Grow your Business Constantly Through Social Automation

Total ratings for Instoo Automation
4.71 (Rating count: 17)
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All time rating average: 4.71
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Used since October and got absolutely no growth, but I did lose followers. I gave this a good faith efforts. Spin syntax just deleted randomly, emoticons never did work right on stories, finally I started having serious issues with the interface. I web develop so I am not a noob, I was polite and right away Fred starts saying to refund me. I explain I simply want it to work as advertised and Free cancelled my account after months and said I was harassing him. I sent two emails. I have since left reviews and Fred threatened my company and to sue me, lol. Nothing to sue on the truth. I have the emails. Pretty sure all of his behavior is against Google's Terms of service for a business. Bottom line is from a real user it did not work for me at all, and the support is the worst I have ever experienced...I suspect he knows his extension is no longer working, but rather than fix it, he just wants you to go away. Absolute way overreaction to a simple support request.
2021-03-02 Grace Nanor Recent user, had a cpl of ok days, now it's stuck on bringing you to the store any time u login, so it basically doesn't run. There's no dashboard for twitter or other platforms so u can't see whether progress is being made except the IG dashboard. Then even when you've closed the window it still pops open as if it's still running when u want it to shut down. Has promise but so far I'm not seeing it. Wish i hadn't paid for it too soon.
Josh Berry-Walker
Josh Berry-Walker
Tried many many other ways to grow and most if not all are very limited and get blocks etc frequently - Instoo however stands out as a solid performer once you set your targets and click on the follow and like switches away it goes and just works away. My account has grown nicely around 30-50 real followers a day and im looking forward to more growth as my account grows - a great program which is constantly getting updated great support too i have purchased the lifetime subscription and would highly recommend to others looking for a solid hassle free way to grow their instagram accounts - thanks Fred
Layla Kepert
Layla Kepert
Best chrome extension and keeps getting better! Add linkedin next plz
Katty Jones
Katty Jones
It was a bit confusing to start at first, but if you run daily and put the slider to 100 it just works.
Jasmine Michael
Jasmine Michael
Great job guys thanks for this
Jennifer Harris
Jennifer Harris
This one actually works unlike everything else I've tried so far, and I've been using bots like jarvee for years. I grew 80 followers in the first few days
Watch & Learn
Watch & Learn
Very nice extension. Loved it.
Masum TV Channel
Masum TV Channel
Instoo works very well now and helped me grow from ~200 followers to over 6k now. I use it daily. I tested all the open source bots and they do not work anymore. Instoo works and you'll see why it's different when you run it.
Online Earning Dex
Online Earning Dex
This is best i have seen ever
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