Compare Chrome extensions: Grey Tab vs Refined Microsoft Teams

Stats Grey Tab Grey Tab Refined Microsoft Teams Refined Microsoft Teams
User count 3,000+ 134,489+
Average rating 4.80 3.91
Rating count 20 151
Last updated 2016-04-21 2020-05-11
Size 180.22K 22.16K
Version 1.9 0.3.7
Short description
A small but growing collection of neat tricks for debugging applications. Microsoft Teams, but better
Full summary

This project is open source. You may view the code here before installing it:

Currently supports: Displaying your current orgId, salesforce hostname, and sessionId (the API-enabled one, not the crippled visualforce SID).

If the page being viewed contains apex:form viewstate data the current size of the data will be displayed as well.

If the page's URL contains an id param or is the standard SFDC record view page then the record details tab will show the raw data behind all fields your user has FLS access to.

If you have any issues, or would like to suggest improvements please use the github project's issues page.

This extension does not transmit any data to or from any systems other than the Salesforce instance(s) you use it with and/or Until you take explicit action of opening it no data is requested or otherwise processes. There are no ads or analytics in this extension.

Need a more compact view of channels and teams ? Need to add 100+ people in a channel, manually ?


  • Bulk insert users into a Team (members and guests)
  • Display teams and channels on 2 columns (optional)
  • Merge "General" channel into the Team name, if it is alone in a Team (optional)

For the 2-columns display, you need to switch from the "Grid" to the "List" view.
