Youtube Title Blacklist

Youtube Title Blacklist

Block videos from showing up in your home feed on YouTube that contain certain keywords that you set.

Total ratings for Youtube Title Blacklist
4.83 (Rating count: 6)
See reviews for Youtube Title Blacklist on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Youtube Title Blacklist
Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.83
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Vyvyn CruxButt
Vyvyn CruxButt
Does not block "D&D" or any other title including an ampersand. Would be nice if it had a way to block by Tag/Subject/Language as well.
God send, works flawlessly.
Nathan McEleney
Nathan McEleney
Works for me! Added "Johnny", "Depp", "Depp's", "Amber", "Heard", and "Heard's" Now I no longer see any videos in my home feed that has anything to do with this trial. Don't care about it.
A bit basic, but the name says it all, and it's effective at what it does. I don't why why Youtube itself is too lazy to offer such a simple feature, but I finally don't have Youtube pushing the same stupid videos on me for years (no thanks to that useless "Not Interested" button it always ignores!).
2021-03-04 Aman Siddiqi This works perfectly. The Video Blocker extension does not work for me, but this did the trick.