Send Later for WhatsApp

Send Later for WhatsApp

Stay organised on WhatsApp with this easy-to-use scheduler tool for WhatsApp Web.

Total ratings for Send Later for WhatsApp
4.68 (Rating count: 22)
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Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.68
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Sparsh Jain
Sparsh Jain
en Scheduling messages, it's one of the great feature.
Rabbani Shaik
Rabbani Shaik
en Scheduling messages was one feature that i always wanted to see in WhatsApp, which was already present in Telegram. Thanks to this extension, I can schedule and send all my birthday wishes to my friends on time.
Kilbert Isaac
Kilbert Isaac
en Tagging feature helps me organize individuals in my chat list, don't need to save their contact details by allowing me to tag them with personalized labels.
Binju KO
Binju KO
Taha Mohammed
Taha Mohammed
en Finally can organise my contacts with the help of tags.
Akshay Bhimani
Akshay Bhimani
en Very helpful Extension to schedule WhatsApp mesaages.
Ruban Antony
Ruban Antony
en nice app..
Karthik H
Karthik H
en The ability to schedule messages on WhatsApp has saved me from forgetting important work messages It's easy to use and reliable
ruchika khandelia
ruchika khandelia
en Send Later for Whatsapp is a savior for clumsy people like who need to send a ton of messages in a regular work day and mess them up. I plan my outreach accordingly and label my customers which can be fully customized. Hoping they come up with great advancement in this! Cheers!
Arunkumar Balakrishnan
Arunkumar Balakrishnan
en Pretty useful and nifty plugin to have in my own workflow.
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