Bold First Half

Bold First Half

Bold the first half of every word in <p> tags

Total ratings for Bold First Half
3.75 (Rating count: 4)
See reviews for Bold First Half on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Bold First Half
Recent rating average: 3.75
All time rating average: 3.75
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Zo Bowie
Zo Bowie
en Nothing works so far. No extension including this one.
Tyler Stormo
Tyler Stormo
en The biggest issue with this extension is that it often kills links by bolding the first half. The link won't show up as blue, or lead anywhere if you click it. This isn't too bad when it's a url, or a properly formatted citation, because you can see the link and turn off the extension to use it normally. The problem arises with hyperlinks. It's often impossible to tell that a link exists there in the first place, causing you to lose potentially important information in whatever you're reading. Other than that the only issue is that sometimes the extension won't work when a website first loads, but refreshing the page fixes it. It's really not a big deal Overall it's a great extension that's super helpful. Even if the link issue never gets fixed I'll continue using it, and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to others.
anamab 3453
anamab 3453
It works really well, I can read 2x as fast thanks to this extension!
Barbara Leidens
Barbara Leidens
it works well