Copy as Markdown

Copy Link or Image as Markdown code

Total ratings

4.39 (Rating count: 66)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Incredibly useful for preserving links from multiple tabs for documentation
  • Configurable and handles permissions clearly
  • Works reliably and quickly
  • Helps improve productivity
  • Bullets are automatically prepended to copied links, which some users dislike
  • Requires browsing history permissions, raising privacy concerns
  • Users reported that functionality has decreased or is not intuitive
  • Shortcut functionality has issues, with some users reporting it stopped working
Most mentioned
  • Privacy concerns regarding the need for browsing history access
  • Desire for an option to copy links without bullet characters
  • Request for additional features regarding copying link titles
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.39
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Rating filters

5 star
71% (64)
4 star
16% (14)
3 star
7% (6)
2 star
1 star
7% (6)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Marcus Widerberg
en Awesome! Very nice! Does what it says, configurable. Handles permissions super clear. Wow!
Aman Shah
en best tool i used so far
Jeffrey Song (kuunuu)
en Thank you very much for your efforts! There's a doubt I want to ask, how do you use tabGroups? There are no related options in the popup
Nikhil Kundra
en Love this thing, thank you for making it!! Only thing: when I have some tabs auto-suspended due to the Great Suspender (the new, clean version lol)... Jira does seem to parse out the URL from The Great Suspended string and appears like it's going to paste an embedded URL/hyperlinked text... but it fails to remain a clickable, hyperlinked URL after save. Example if you can help! [Google](chrome-extension://bhjpanlkhkaenfmobbmmpffcjalfmpip/suspended.html#ttl=Google&pos=0&uri= Otherwise, I'll just have to "mass-unsuspend" tabs (which takes up some memory and can slow productivity down for a bit) just to copy the Headers/URL of all tabs, paste them in a comment to store them for later, and then close the tabs. Thank you for the great work regardless 🙏
en Thanks for improving my productivity
Jue Ling
en I like it, but I wonder there can be an option without bullet characters? Not *, not +, not -, just lines of URLs without bullet characters?
Steve Clarke
en This was great, but it seems like at some point the copied link(s) started having a markdown bullet prepended. I don't see any way to change this. A setting to not add the bullet would be welcome!
Bruce Zhang
en Suggestion: When right-clicking on a hyperlink in a webpage, it would be helpful to be able to copy both the link and the link title at the same time, similar to how we can copy the link title when copying a tab's link. Currently, only the link itself can be copied, and the title cannot be copied.
Alex Light
Farshad Bolouri
en Totally unusable, even 1 star is too much
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