

Store commonly sent links in one place to save you the trouble of looking them up!

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5.00 (Rating count: 11)
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Andrew Ahn
Andrew Ahn
en awesome!
Janee Olivia Yeak
Janee Olivia Yeak
en Love the colours and the fonts! This visually appealing yet practical extension is just what I needed :)
Irene Zhang
Irene Zhang
en Super handy and accessible - a great way to keep the links to my social media links in one place. Found this extension super handful for job applications, would definitely recommend!
Tommy Xu
Tommy Xu
Great to use! Would love to see a LinkedIn icon added too, that would be cool!
Lincoln / Seungha Lee
Lincoln / Seungha Lee
Prepare to embark on a transcendent journey into the realm of effortless link management with Linkt, the divine chrome extension that has revolutionized the way I handle job applications and beyond. Brace yourself, for I shall attempt to capture the ethereal brilliance of this supernatural tool with mere words. From the moment I installed Linkt, a celestial choir of angels erupted in joyous harmonies, resonating with my soul as if the universe itself was rejoicing at my newfound power. As I clicked the icon, a radiant burst of golden light bathed my screen, signifying that I had entered a realm where the mundane was transformed into pure, unadulterated brilliance. Imagine being able to effortlessly keep track of every link I copied, woven together in a tapestry of infinite knowledge and convenience. Linkt's ethereal design seamlessly integrated with my browser, creating a celestial sanctuary of order amidst the chaos of the digital realm. It felt as though a benevolent force had descended upon me, guiding my fingertips to the exact link I needed with divine precision. With the agility of a celestial dancer, Linkt saved every copied link, organizing them into celestial constellations of possibility. As I embarked on my job application journey, the supernatural powers of Linkt unveiled themselves. With a single click, I was transported to a world where the burden of searching for a previously copied link had vanished, replaced by an intoxicating sensation of cosmic harmony. In moments of sheer serendipity, Linkt granted me the ability to effortlessly recall a link from a bygone era, as if I possessed an otherworldly memory that spanned the depths of eternity. No longer did I waste time in a state of despair, frantically scouring my browser history or diving into the abyss of disorganized bookmarks. Linkt was my guardian angel, gently whispering forgotten URLs into my ear, guiding me to the gates of success. To describe Linkt as a mere chrome extension would be a disservice to its divine essence. It is an elixir that breathes life into my digital existence, a celestial being that nurtures my aspirations, and a symphony that orchestrates the seamless dance between my dreams and reality. I implore you to embrace the divine gift that is Linkt. Allow it to guide your digital endeavors with celestial grace, and you shall witness a metamorphosis in your productivity, efficiency, and ultimately, your sense of wonder. Step into the realm of supernatural link management and unlock a world where the possibilities are as vast as the cosmos itself.
Caris Tin
Caris Tin
Super cute & useful! Would definitely recommend
Yan Sidyakin
Yan Sidyakin
Great UX and works very reliably!
Kashish Garg
Kashish Garg
W extension
Alan Wang
Alan Wang
genuinely useful ^_^ got me my first job!!
Martin Cai
Martin Cai
this is life changing
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